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Anyone can assume anything about anything.
Do you get this?
What are you assuming about being a woman?What are you assuming about already being one of the next culture women?What are you assuming about other women?What Are Next Culture Women?
"Writing about Next Culture Women comes from a place of anger. First my anger came from a lack of answers, then from a lack of questions, and now from a lack of better questions. After a while, I have finally let go this idea of getting answers. I am now wanting better questions.
This platform also comes out of sadness for what has been lost, our femininity, our energy, our feminine being.
I am here fearful to write down anything about women. Writing seems now to be a masculine process. It lacks nuances, flavors, savors, the sounds of laughter, the sight of a tear rolling down, the wooden spoon hitting the pot or the smells of the ancient burning flowing under our feet. And mostly it lacks our beings talking to each other without words.
I am here fearful to trip on assumptions, conclusions and opinions. I am afraid of not asking the better questions that will go beyond that. To be honest, I haven't read much about what other women or men have written about women. I did ask some questions to women around me and most of the time I was not attracted by the direction the answer was taking. This platform is part of my quest. I am starting with nothing but you. Women who inspired me, who questioned me, who made me angry, made me sad and made me afraid and also who made me joyful and creative and loving."This is where we start.
No one can step out of Patriarchy for you.
More interestingly...
No one can stop you from stepping out of Patriarchy.
Around the world, the Western-capitalist-patriarchal empire displaces, exterminates and enslaves local indigenous cultures. Helena Norberg-Hodge points out that this is possible because there is a weak link in the local cultures that Western marketers take advantage of. The weak link is teenage boys. Western culture is designed for them: fast cars, beautiful objectified women, easy money, power, fame… Western culture is a patriarchal culture designed by uninitiated teenage boys for uninitiated teenage boys. Modern culture relies on teenage boys to undermine and take over the local cultures.
Local boys are taken away from their village homes and sent to schools in the city “to learn skills with which they can get a real job and earn money”. The money they earn, of course, is used to buy what modern culture manufactures: Rayban sunglasses, Camel cigarettes, fast cars and an apartment of their own, leaving behind the knowledge of their own culture. The women and girls stay back in the village doing alone the work which the entire community used to do together. Once strong and proud, the women are left out of community life, decision-making, and their natural educational roles. Initiatory processes are forgotten as well as knowledge of how to grow food on the land. Communities are separated. Competition sneaks in. Hatred and scarcity become the basis on which thoughts, decision and actions are taken.
If the leverage point used by modern culture to overpower traditional cultures is teenage boys, the leverage point for transforming modern culture into next culture is teenage women. The women, especially the young women, are the key to the emergence of next culture.
Women are the key because women have a better chance to escape the patriarchal empire. In modern culture women are the slaves of the adolescent-mentality men. Slaves have a better chance of escaping the patriarchy than the masters because slaves know that something else is possible. The master does not see any reason why he should trade his life for something else. He has no reason to question the system that makes him unquestionably the king. However, when slaves recognize that something completely different is possible, a (r)evolution necessarily follows.
Our (r)evolution started 50 years ago with the women’s liberation movement. I am thinking, however, that we — women — have failed to liberate ourselves.
We failed, until now, to create a culture where both men and women are free to creatively collaborate for the benefit of all, including Planet Earth. This path of liberation is as sharp and perilous as a razor’s edge. Some women have tried to liberate themselves by fighting against a 6000 year-old patriarchal system. They hopelessly tried to prosecute abuses from men, or marched down the street waving placards and singing slogans, only to be brutally knocked to the ground, pepper sprayed in the eyes, and dragged away to prison cells, or worse. These women walked directly into the swords held out to defend the patriarchal system and they were deeply wounded. Other women have tried to beat the men at their own game — thinking that if the men respected them they could finally respect themselves. Women fought to climb to the top of male dominated hierarchal systems in politics, corporations, finance, health, education, religion, media, forest burning. The women who succeeded paid the highest personal price, for them and for us. Neither fighting the system nor beating the system has succeeded in transforming the system into something else. Both strategies failed.
I think that as women we have failed because we have not reclaimed our own dignity and respect for ourselves. We hold more respect for the men and their social system than we do for our own feelings, voice, authority, and truth. We have not taken back the power of listening to and respecting ourselves. Even if the door is opened by other women — or these days even by certain men — we turn away from them in fear.
I sit here now with this burning question — how can we women, for the sake of our children’s children, for the sake of Gaia and life on Earth… how can we regain our own dignity? What is the path to such an inner (r)evolution?
I experience that we women tend to swing between one extreme or another. Sometimes we hold the certainty: I am not good enough, never, for nothing. I don’t deserve anything more than this wretchedness. Then at other times we assert: I am the best. These idiot men do not deserve me. I will show them what I am capable of… or maybe I will just leave them behind, torturing them forever. We give ourselves this choice between I am less than the men, or I am far superior. The fallacy is that thinking in polarities is rooted in the patriarchal concepts of separation and competition. It is as actively engaged between men and women as it is between women.
It came to me to make an announcement: Women! It is time for us to start over. We start over now in a different context. Our new beginning originates in consciousness, radical-responsibility, and interdependence. Regaining our dignity in a context of interdependence is not a selfish act. Regaining our dignity is taking a stand for ourselves in relationship with other women, men and Nature.
The job on our bench is to build the bridge from modern culture to next culture. The bridge is built by walking it. Walking that bridge is the service that we deliverer to save humanity from its own annihilation. Men cannot do this job for humanity because men are trapped in the patriarchy and cannot walk away from it. The shift occurs now with each dignified woman who walks across the bridge into a culture of creative collaboration between the feminine and the masculine.
I write this manifesto as a wake-up call to any woman who thinks she is doing inner work for herself, personally, to feel better or to have a more perfect life. It isn’t like that at all. That time is over. You are doing inner work so your children and your grandchildren can hope to have a life, so your daughters can experience what it is to be a dignified woman in the arms of a newly awaken man, so your son can have a chance of extracting himself from a system that is eating his soul. Please help me. Please help us all. Dignify yourself as way of serving something greater than yourself.
LiveTalk: The Archearchal Woman (Possibility Management) Anne-Chloé Destremau & Gabriella Sternfeld
The Feminine is not wounded. Women have been wounded in Patriarchy.
The power of women‘s anger, Soraya Chemaly
Why Women's Anger is the force to create a bright future.
Woman by Amber Lily
Yael Deckelbaum, Prayer of the Mothers. What becomes possible when women unite for peace.
Also watch this inspiring video on the background of the above event.
“Never, ever underestimate how powerful you are as one person, and we are as a collective.”
Undermining the Patriarchy...
... one grandpa at a time.
By Lisa Norgren, published in motherwell.
"To the other adults in the room this is fine.
A grown man looms behind my three-year-old daughter. Occasionally he will poke or tickle her and she responds by shrinking. Smaller and smaller with each unwanted advance. I imagine her trying to become slight enough to slip out of her booster seat and slide under the table.
When my mother views this scene, she sees playful taunting. A grandfather engaging with his granddaughter.
“Mae.” My tone cuts through the din of a familiar family gathering together. She does not look at me.
“Mae.” I start again. “You can tell him no Mae. If this isn’t okay you could say something like, Papa, please back up—I would like some space for my body.”
As I say the words, my step-father, the bulldog, leans in a little closer, hovering just above her head. His tenebrous grin taunts me as my daughter accordions her 30-pound frame hoping to escape his tickles and hot breath.
I repeat myself with a little more force. She finally peeks up at me.
“Mama…can you say it?” Surprise. A three-year-old-girl doesn’t feel comfortable defending herself against a grown man. A man that has stated he loves and cares for her over and over again, and yet, stands here showing zero concern for her wishes about her own body. I ready myself for battle.
“Papa! Please back up! Mae would like some space for her body.” My voice is firm but cheerful. He does not move.
“Papa. I should not have to ask you twice. Please back up. Mae is uncomfortable.”
“Oh, relax,” he says, ruffling her wispy blonde hair. The patriarchy stands, patronizing me in my own damn kitchen. “We’re just playin’.” His southern drawl does not charm me.
“No. You were playing. She was not. She’s made it clear that she would like some space, now please back up.”
“I can play how I want with her.” He says, straightening his posture. My chest tightens. The sun-bleached hairs on my arms stand at attention as this man, who has been my father figure for more than three decades, enters the battle ring.
“No. No, you cannot play however you want with her. It’s not okay to ‘have fun’ with someone who does not want to play.” He opens his mouth to respond but my rage is palpable through my measured response. I wonder if my daughter can feel it. I hope she can.
He retreats to the living room and my daughter stares up at me. Her eyes, a starburst of blue and hazel, shine with admiration for her mama. The dragon has been slayed (for now). My own mother is silent. She refuses to make eye contact with me.
This is the same woman who shut me down when I told her about a sexual assault I had recently come to acknowledge. This is the same woman who was abducted by a car full of strangers as she walked home one night. She fought and screamed until they kicked her out. Speeding away, they ran over her ankle and left her with a lifetime of physical and emotional pain. This is the same woman who said nothing, who could say nothing as her boss and his friends sexually harassed her for years. This is the same woman who married one of those friends.
When my mother views this scene, she sees her daughter overreacting. She sees me “making a big deal out of nothing.” Her concerns lie more in maintaining the status quo and cradling my step-dad’s toxic ego than in protecting the shrinking three-year-old in front of her.
When I view this scene, I am both bolstered and dismayed. My own strength and refusal to keep quiet is the result of hundreds, probably thousands of years of women being mistreated, and their protests ignored. It is the result of watching my own mother suffer quietly at the hands of too many men. It is the result of my own mistreatment and my solemn vow to be part of ending this cycle.
It would be so easy to see a little girl being taught that her wishes don’t matter. That her body is not her own. That even people she loves will mistreat and ignore her. And that all of this is “okay” in the name of other people, men, having fun.
But. What I see instead is a little girl watching her mama. I see a little girl learning that her voice matters. That her wishes matter. I see a little girl learning that she is allowed and expected to say no. I see her learning that this is not okay.
And I hope my mom is learning something, too."
Weapons on the Table
Patriarchy is not around us, it is inside of us.
Do you think the Patriarchy could still be at work if us women were not active members of capitalist patriarchal empire?
Let's stop fooling ourselves. Let's stop pretending to be naive about this.
We are complicite agents of the Patriarchy until we create Next Culture.
We were raised by mothers who did everything they can to survive in the patriarchy.
What did they teach us?
We learned to smile, be polite, wave, be quiet, not have opinions (at least not if they are different from men), exchange sexual energy to get what we want, only believe - and seek - praises and approval by men, beg for their protection in exchanged for cooked meals and sex, ...
We learn to hate men, to manipulate them with our well-rehearsed seductively not dangerous act. We learn to 'kill' them in public in front of their friends or ours. We learn to keep ourselves in survival and blame them for it.
Something else we learned from our mothers is to compete with other women for men's attention and love, point out their flaws whenever the opportunity presents itself, compare ourselves to them, use 'unattractive' women as our friends so we always look better, befriend other women simply to flirt with their men and assume our territory.
We have developped powerfully subtle weapons against other women.
And this is why the Patriarchy goes on. The ones who could take it down are too busy taking each other down.
There is a healing process. It is called Weapons On The Table.
When you put your Weapons On The Table, you say to another women: I refuse to fight you, I refuse to play into the Patriarchal game, I refuse to use my Gremlin and unconscious Fears as ways to take you down.
Weapons on the Table - Interview of Joana Cruz and Vera Franco by Martina Niklis
There Are So Many Resources To Help You
Go Through The Phoenix Process Of Stepping Out Of Patriarchy
And Join The Next Culture Women...
You don't have to do it alone.
Will You Join Us?
Each Experiential Distinction in your Being can become Conscious or remain Unconscious. It does not matter to the Universe, but, there are consequences.
This is mechanics... Box Mechanics.
Are you in a Minimized NOW?
Are you in First Position?
These are Experiential Distinctions for you.
The Distinctions in your Being catch and hold the consciousness you are able to bring into action in each moment.
Your Energetic Tool for making Distinctions is your Sword of Clarity.
Your Sword of Clarity is the tool for making Distinctions, such as:
Whose Assumption is this?
What is this Assumption's purpose?
Do I want to use this Assumption in the Context of this Space or this Gameworld?
No one can answer these questions for you.
More interestingly, no on can stop you from answering these questions yourself.
Experiments For Evolving Next Culture Women
Join or Create Your Women's Possibility Team
Matrix Code NEXTCWOM.01
Find a group of friends — preferably female — who demand and require that you respect and dignify yourself. Practice your skills in their company. Be unwavering about the high levels of dignity and respect that you carry for yourselves, for each other, for the Earth, and for the children. If one of us stops respecting herself, it is your service to remind her of the respect and dignity that you carry for her. This is one skill that you cannot ever practice enough: appreciating yourself and others for how we take a stand for ourselves.
Possibility Team is the safest place for you and your fellow Women to reclaim your dignity of Being Women, to rediscover how Women make decision, raise children, guard their own culture, cultivate and get nourrish by the Secret Garden of the Feminine.
Your Women's Possibility Team is also your Asshole Team. This the Team of Women who will do whatever they can to pull you out of your patriarchal patterns - and you will do the same for them - and create by living Archearchy - Next Culture togther.
Bring your pain, bring your longings, bring your necessity for Possibility, bring you and Everything to your Posssibility Team.
After completing creating or joining a Women's Possibility, please register Matrix Code NEXTCWOM.01 in your free account at StartOver.xyz.
This Experiment is worth 1 Matrix Point.
Read and Do The Experiments from S.P.A.R.K. 185 in Your Women Possibility Team
Matrix Code NEXTCWOM.02
SPARK 185 says 'A woman does not need a man to make her into a woman'. Bring the SPARK 185 to your Women Possibility Team. Read the Notes together, then do the following experiments together.
SPARK185.03: Once a day for five to seven minutes, turn yourself energetically around and gaze back into the source of the archetypal feminine. You are already jacked in to Her. She is there behind you. She has always been there. Pause. Gaze (with closed eyes, if you like) into the feminine source until you are saturated in the direct experience of Her clarity and power. Direct experience floods in and nurtures your cells. Let Her thoroughly validate you. Can this empowering source of the archetypal feminine ever leave you? (No.)
SPARK185.04: Notice that the archetypal masculine principle of holding space cannot NOT be there. It has always been there. Spaceholding as a principle cannot disappear or the universe would collapse. The spaceholding nothingness of the archetypal masculine is the place in which the space-enriching everythingness of the archetypal feminine exists. You can radically rely on recognition and appreciation from the archetypal masculine even if there is no actual man around to enact that for you. Each time you walk somewhere, walk in a space that is already held for you as a sanctuary by this archetypal force of nature. Do not interact with anyone unless you are in this held space.
SPARK185.05: Every time you take an action or make a choice that is reasonably responsible, such as wiping the counter, making a shopping list, arranging logistics, etc. (ad infinitum) let the action itself feed you. This is a responsible universe. When you responsibly take care of things the universe reciprocates. Conserve your own energy. Use the universe’s energy to be conscious and responsible. Then you don’t need recognition or acknowledgement from a man. Find any belief you carry from a religion or social system that says you need a man to be a woman. Let it break apart and dissolve on the rocks of reality until you are free of it. Reclaim the inner space for your adult Being. Adulthood is a gateway to the archetypal. Enjoy the adventure.
SPARK185.06: Women could vanish the patriarchy overnight by telling any man (or woman…) who loves you that if they work even one more day for a government or a corporation or a school that serves the Rule of Law of western civilization you will never sleep with them again. The Rule of Law of western civilization systematically annihilates life on Earth. Anyone who follows that law is criminally insane. Anyone who enforces that law has already forfeited their life. There are zillions of lifestyle changes that immediately create regenerative cultures. Most would also include intimacy with you through creative collaborating. If the man lacks possibilities invite him to ask you for a few ideas.
Please take out the patriarchy before it takes out life on Earth.
In addition to the SPARK Matrix Point for each experiment, completing these experiment in a Women's Possibility is worth 1 additional Matrix Point.
After completing this experiment, please register Matrix Code NEXTCWOM.02 in your free account at StartOver.xyz.
This Experiment is worth 1 Matrix Point.
Appreciate The Quality of Woman For No Reason.
Matrix Code NEXTCWOM.03
For the next 7 days, move into Archearchal Womenhood by appreciating the Qualities of Woman to at least 3 woman per day.
Let your own Womanhood be with the Womanhood of another Woman. The Qualities of Woman are present in women whether they are conscious about it or not. Relfecting the Qualities of Woman in another women acknowledge that another Universe of value exist outside of the patriarchal system of values that most women have bought in.
You are appreciating the Qualities of her Feminine Being, you are not appreciating what she does, or what she owns. Appreciation of the qualities of Doing or Having are patriarchal values.
If the Woman that you are appreciating interrupts you, for example, by saying 'Thank you' or returning a compliment immediately, simply pause, and start again, gently but clearly, as if she did not say anything, until she stops killing the Possibility - that you hold - that this is not a compliment, and that she cannot be an object of compliment.
After completing this experiment, please register Matrix Code NEXTCWOM.03 in your free account at StartOver.xyz.
This Experiment is worth 1 Matrix Point.
Refuse To Make Men The Enemy
Matrix Code NEXTCWOM.04
In your Possibility Team, or your Next Culture Women 3Cell, read out loud the Section 'Ordinary Woman' in Clinton Callahan's Building Love that Lasts (former edition was printed as Radiant Joy, Brilliant Love).
While one woman reads out loud, have your Beep! Book and pen ready to write down ALL the ways that you have noticed yourself subtly and overtly agreeing with the conclusion that men are the unspoken enemy.
Write down your strategies to remind the men around you (including your partner, especially your partner and your children) ongoingly that they are the enemy.
Write down your Gremlin's benefits.
Write down your Fear of what might happen, and who might you be if you changed your mind and gave up making men the enemy.
Then, gather in groups of 3. One woman read what they have discovered about themselves. The 2 other women - you are the coaching Team - give your fellow woman feedback and coaching about the ways, the strategies, the fears and her Gremlin's benefit for holding men as the enemy.
After completing this experiment, please register Matrix Code NEXTCWOM.04 in your free account at StartOver.xyz.
This Experiment is worth 1 Matrix Point.
Say What You Want
Matrix Code NEXTCWOM.05
Saying “I want…” is not permitted in the in the patriarchal vocabulary for women. To say, “I want…” breaks some very old rules while it builds the bridge to Archearchy Next Culture.
To say what you wants starts by having clarity and taking responsibility for your four feelings — anger, sadness, fear and joy. As well as holding the clarity about the difference between feelings and emotions.
Reclaiming your anger is a first and huge step towards reclaiming your dignity and ongoingly saying what you want (and do not want).
Reclaiming your anger means saying, “No!” to whatever you do not want, and saying, “Yes!” to whatever you do want. Anger clearly asserts, “This is not okay!” and also, “I want to try this instead.” There are no right or wrong answers about what you want or don’t want.
Fear, sadness and joy each have their own information and energy that are essential to say what you want. And start with anger first. When the Warrioress comes alive in you, she can create a safe space for you to experience and express the other feelings.
There are no better place to place to unleash your Anger than Rage Club.
The Experiment, for one entire week, is to ongoingly saying "I want...".
You will find yourself twisting and sugercoating your communications: "Would you like to do this with me...?", "What do you want?", "What about...", "Let's..." or simply complaining that things are not the way you want them to be. Even when writing email, and text message, write "I want..."
Instead replace each of them with "I want...". You will probably have emotional Fears being triggered. Write them down in the back of your Beep! Book, and go through these Emotional Healing Processes.
After completing this experiment, please register Matrix Code NEXTCWOM.05 in your free account at StartOver.xyz.
This Experiment is worth 1 Matrix Point.
Go The Full Way Of Healing Your Traumas With Men and the Patriarchy
Matrix Code NEXTCWOM.06
This Experiment is a 1-week, 2-week or 1-month long Emotional Healing Intensive. It is up to you. You choose how long it goes. During that time, you commit to yourself to go through each and every Emotions that shows up. Almost all of them are related to the facts that you were born and raised in the Patriarchy - whether the processes are about incidents in this life or past lives.
Commit to yourself to go the full way of healing your traumas with men and women, with your parents and ancestors, with authorities, insane crippling beliefs, and systems.
A new bright future waits to be built by you. Build it without including the wounds of your past and your history.
The procedure for setting up a Emotional Healing Intensive is describe in the website.
Choose both Women and Men spaceholders for your healing processes.
After completing this experiment, please register Matrix Code NEXTCWOM.06 in your free account at StartOver.xyz.
This Experiment is worth 15 Matrix Points.
Keep Your Sword of Clarity Day and Night
Matrix Code NEXTCWOM.07
Keep your Sword of Clarity to hand day and night. Hesitate not to press your sword into the throat of any man around you. If he comes at you, what happens? Not your problem.
It may sometimes occur that a man actually learns something. If a man learns something he will go through a liquid state. (If there is no liquid state, he has learned nothing.) When a man enters an authentic liquid state, perhaps grieving the loss of old familiar ways and falling into a bottomless unknown, it may be possible to offer him surcease of his sorrows. Your comforting breast will not put Humpty Dumpty back together again — thank God! — but it may start the uninitiated adolescent on the path of discovering that he has no idea what a woman really is.
Let the adolescent break to pieces and be with him without rescuing him. He too may eventually learn dignity, although it will be a longer path than yours.
Women - we have inhibition to hold the power of our clarity to the throat of men. Therefore we need practice.
Buy yourself a wooden boken. For one entire week: wear it. Wear it at home, wear it outside, sleep with it, put it just outside the bath when you take a shower. Without the sword, you die. You are adaptive, complacent, a smily polite little girl ready to please the uninitiated boy.
Your choice.
After completing this experiment, please register Matrix Code NEXTCWOM.07 in your free account at StartOver.xyz.
This Experiment is worth 2 Matrix Points.
Burning Woman, by Lucy Pearce.
A book on feminine passion and igniting the fire of transformation.
Embodying Well-Being, by Julie Henderson.
An invitation to simple and playful ways of restoring well-being. Beyond these basic and effective tools for being kind to ourselves, this book offers a glimpse toward some very high peaks of perception.
Energy Medicine for Women, by Donna Eden.
Donna Eden shows how to work with the body's energy systems to: Boost vitality and stamina, Strengthen the immune system, Relieve pain and common complaints such as colds and tension headaches, Sharpen mind and memory, Enhance overall health with an invigorating five-minute daily routine.
Reflections on a Mountain Lake, by Ani Tenzin Palmo.
An inspiring and no-nonsense view of Buddhist practice, including on women in Buddhism, karma, rebirth, the role of the spiritual master, spiritual practice in daily life, ethics, motivation, visualization, calm abiding meditation and insight meditation.
The Hum Book, by Julie Henderson.
Surprise, this book is entirely about humming! How to hum more “inside” than “outside”; how to touch deep inside yourself with the pulse of the hum; how to increase our intrinsic well-being by humming, similar to the benefits that cats get out of purring.
The Kin of Ata Are Waiting For You, by Dorothy Bryant
This inspiring book about Next Culture is written and felt from the Being of a Woman.
The Lover Within, by Julie Henderson.
A book on how to develop energetic skills (perceiving energy and energetic exchange) in any relationship (sexual or not), including your relationship with yourself.
The Path of the Empress, by Christine Li and Ulja Krautwald.
Inspired by the story of the only woman who ever officially ruled China, empress Wu Zhao, this book explores the feminine power of transformation. It includes a lot of wisdom from traditional Chinese Medicine.
The Red Tent, by Anita Diamant.
A novel based on Dinah, daughter of biblical figures Jacob and Leah. Told in Dinah's voice, Anita Diamant imagines the traditions and turmoils of ancient womanhood - the world of the red tent - stirring a deep memory of women's culture.
The Return of the Feminine and the World Soul, by Llewellyn Vaughan-Lee
Few are able to define and evoke the Feminine in the way that Vaughan-Lee does.
Women of Wisdom, by Tsultrim Allione.
Women of Wisdom explores and celebrates the spiritual potential of all women, as exemplified by the lives of six Tibetan female mystics.
Rage becomes her: The Power of Women's Anger, by Soraya Chemaly
This woman takes a stand for women's anger as a resource.
Women who run with the wolves, by Clarissa Pinkola Estes.
This book is full of stories that offer "vitamins for the Being" and roadmaps of the pitfalls that a woman encounters on the way back to her instinctual self.
Arrival (2016): A linguist stays centred and unhookable in her Feminine power as she uses all her skills to decipher an alien language while Patriarchal men are caught up in their attempts to fight an enemy that cannot be fought.
Bagdad Cafe (Out of Rosenheim): Two Women from different cultures learn how to radically collaborate. It takes only one Woman's heart, courage and groundedness to bring the village to life. Two Women collaborating... now that is magic.
Brave (2012): "If you could change your fate, would you?" This animated film tells the story of Princess Merida who steps out of convention and takes fate into her own hands.
Divergent (2014): The main character, a young woman, learns to choose her own path, discovers her courage, and reclaims her power to be who she was born to be and to take a stand for a different world.
Freedom Writers (2007): A woman changing culture. When you stop smiling and empower your voice with rageful clarity, the world can change.
Fried Green Tomatoes (1991): How the story of one woman can empower the next generation of women. To Wonda!
Hidden Figures (2016): The story of a team of female African-American mathematicians who served a vital role in NASA during the early years of the U.S. space program. Based on real events.
Miss Potter: Based on the life of Beatrix Potter, author and illustrator of Peter Rabbit and other incredibly successful children's books. This Woman had a sword that she used to create the life she wanted and take a stand for land preservation.
"I am no longer in the habit of being lectured to, and, thankfully, I do not require your approval."
Moana (2019): Moana, the strong-willed daughter of a chief of a Polynesian village, is chosen by the ocean itself to reunite a mystical relic with the goddess Te Fiti. She follows her calling and faces the challenges.
Mona Lisa Smile (2003): A free-thinking art professor teaches conservative 1950s girls to question their traditional social roles.
Suffragette (2015): A historical drama film telling the story of those women who fought for women's right to vote in the UK in the early 20th century.
The Handmaid's Tale - MOVIE (1990): The grim vision of a world in which most women have lost their fertility, and those that can give birth are exploited for just that. One woman breaks out, with the help of her man.
Thelma and Louise (MATRIX CODE: MOVIE187.00) by Ridley Scott with Geena Davis, Susan Sarandon, and Harvey Keitel. Two women escaping the patriarchy and waking up to who they really are. The problem is, they were ahead of their time.
The Messenger: The Story of Joan of Arc (1999): "I was born to do this." Fuelled by her vision, this young woman warrioress fights for her country and plays her part in ending the Hundred Years War. Like many women before and after her, she ends up being burned at the stake. Based on the life of Joan of Arc (1412-1431).
Vision: From the Life of Hildegard of Bingen ("Aus dem Leben der Hildegard von Bingen", 2009): A witch in the service of the church. A strong woman using her anger consciously to be her destiny in action. Based on the life of Hildegard of Bingen, a medieval abbess, physician, philosopher, naturalist, composer, poet, author and linguist, who lived in the 12th century.
Whale Rider: Paikea carries a big name, that of "whale rider", her ancestor. She should have been born a boy to deserve that prestigious name and to be the leader her tribe was waiting for. But she's a girl., and destined to lead..
Wonder Woman (2017): A Princess born to be a Goddess. Witness how she stays centered and unhookable, connected in particular with her anger and her sadness. This woman claims "No Man's Land".
NOTE: This website is a Bubble in the Bubble Map of the free-to-play massively-multiplayer online-and-offline matrix-building thoughtware-upgrade context-shift personal-transformation game called StartOver.xyz, powered by Possibility Management. It is a doorway to experiments that upgrade your thoughtware so you can create more possibility. Your knowledge is what you think about. Your thoughtware is what you use to think with. When you change your thoughtware, you go through a liquid state as your mind reorganizes itself. Liquid states can bring up transformational feelings and emotions. By upgrading your thoughtware you build matrix to hold more consciousness. No one can do this for you. No one can stop you from doing it. Our theory is that when we collectively build one million more Matrix Points we will change the morphogenetic field of the human race for the better. Please choose responsibly to read this website. Reading this whole website is worth 1 Matrix Point. Doing any of the experiments earns you additional Matrix Points. Please use Matrix Code NEXTCWOM.00 to log your Matrix Points at https://login.startover.xyz/. Thank you for playing full out!